suddenly 23...

...going on six.

dinsdag, augustus 29, 2006

my three cents

because, lord knows, i'm way too obnoxious to keep it at two.

i know the emmys happened the other day. i didn't watch. please don't tell me you did. but, i was excited about the festivities for the primary reason that i am, of late, fascinated with fashion (a story for another post) and i couldn't wait to check in with the fabulous bitches over at go fug yourself.

i do disagree with heather and jessica from time to time, but their commentary is always so clever and incisive that it doesn't matter, and i end up laughing with them anyway. but this time, i was disappointed. they picked on debra messing, whom i adore and who i think looked just lovely in her strapless gown. other than this point of contention, the girls dazzled as always.

and what about that tracey gold? looks like she's filled out nicely. though i hate what she's wearing, it's nice to see that the woman who inspired a generation of girls to make themselves anorexic is finally looking healthier (never mind that pesky dui incident).

donderdag, augustus 24, 2006

it's not quite pong, but...

i have a total soft spot for those old-school web-based flash games, the ones that made the internet fun right after al gore invented it so long ago. one of my favorites, then and again now (with a souped-up but still really basic version) is garfield's lasagna from heaven game. i just remembered that garfield was one of my bookmarks some ten years ago (along with sanrio and a few others) and that i loved this game then. turns out, it's still crazy fun.

other super awesome ones:
  • little red square game (caution: really addictive)
  • copter (caution: outrageously addictive)
  • midget tossing (caution: not exactly politically correct)
  • let me entertain you

    last night, i resurrected the months-dead tradition of the dinner party at my apartment, and quite by accident. i decided a while ago that i wanted to have friends over for dinner - two people who have recently moved to the city, who i thought would enjoy each other's company. well, one thing led to another - her boyfriend was visiting, i (without thinking) invited another friend, whose invitation required that i invite another friend, and another, who asked to bring a date, and so on - and i ended up feeding eight hungry people. all was well, though, because i had, in standard fashion, over-bought on the food and had just enough to feed everyone.

    what did i feed them? well, i'm so glad you asked. i made my good old reliable seared salmon on baby spinach (with a tarragon-shallot cream sauce) and test drove a delicious sun-dried tomato risotto. for dessert, i tried out these figs with goat cheese and peppered honey, which turned out to be so-so (next time, i'll skip the pepper).

    what's my point? my adventure in risotto got me thinking about the fabulous rice-to-end-all-rices (rice? rouse? eh). the roommate and i had made many variations of it before (our favorite was the hot-pink roasted beet risotto) but i hadn't done any serious research. so today, instead of working, i stumbled upon this poetic and informative tribute to the dish, which any foodies out there should read, but for those of you who don't feel like it, or are illiterate, here is my favorite quote:
    You can't rush a good risotto, nor can you rush life. You just keep stirring. After a while, good things happen.
    ah, so true.

    woensdag, augustus 23, 2006

    to-do: 30 things before i'm 30

    1. learn how to surf

    2. learn how to sew

    3. make something truly fabulous

    4. write something real

    5. sell it

    6. get another degree

    7. have some kind of romantic relationship

    8. run a marathon

    9. take up rock climbing

    10. host some huge-ass, kick-ass dinner parties

    11. live somewhere other than New York or Boston

    12. meet some or all of the following people: ellen degeneres, margaret cho, amy sedaris, tina fey.

    13. date and/or hook up with: someone from every inhabited continent, a policeman, a fireman, someone over 6'8" (my tallest so far, for the record), and someone famous.

    14. appear in a major motion picture

    15. own a house/apartment

    16. have enough room in said home for the following: a sewing room, a ribbon drawer, a big and well-lit kitchen, a digital photo station, and a nursery.

    17. have or adopt a baby

    18. get some dogs and/or cats

    19. come up with 12 more things