suddenly 23...

...going on six.

woensdag, augustus 23, 2006

to-do: 30 things before i'm 30

  1. learn how to surf

  2. learn how to sew

  3. make something truly fabulous

  4. write something real

  5. sell it

  6. get another degree

  7. have some kind of romantic relationship

  8. run a marathon

  9. take up rock climbing

  10. host some huge-ass, kick-ass dinner parties

  11. live somewhere other than New York or Boston

  12. meet some or all of the following people: ellen degeneres, margaret cho, amy sedaris, tina fey.

  13. date and/or hook up with: someone from every inhabited continent, a policeman, a fireman, someone over 6'8" (my tallest so far, for the record), and someone famous.

  14. appear in a major motion picture

  15. own a house/apartment

  16. have enough room in said home for the following: a sewing room, a ribbon drawer, a big and well-lit kitchen, a digital photo station, and a nursery.

  17. have or adopt a baby

  18. get some dogs and/or cats

  19. come up with 12 more things